Graphic Designs to Compliment your Personality to a TEE👕

🌿Five Leaf Tees🌿

Appreciate you dropping by !  Thank you and a High Five! 🙌 

Five Leaf Tees on-line access to graphic designed t-shirts is COMING SOON! 😎 Choose the brand of t-shirt that you want your design on.  Take a tour of some of the designs available and hope to shop with you soon! Thank you again for dropping by 🌿✌️

Inquiries or requests can be sent via email to 



More Organic Designs

I Think My Guardian Angel Drinks

You had me at we'll make it look like an Accident

I'M FINE, Like Wine

I Love WATER ..especially Frozen into cubes & surrounded by WHISKEY 

Caution! I have NO FILTER

If you find me Offensive then I suggest you Quit finding me